The Visionary
Let's meet the wizard behind the curtain, Dylan Rose. With a lifetime of passion for brewing and over 14 years of experience with several breweries in the Tri-State area, Dylan decided it was time to bring his baby to life. His love for craft beer sent him on a mission to bring his own blends to the market to share with the world.
We chose Madison, Indiana for it's refined mixture of culture, history, and sociably abundant environment; not to mention the gorgeous building where the brewery / restaurant is located. While modernizing the establishment to fit present day standards, we've done our best to conserve the soul of the property that we first fell in love with.
Favorite Style: Irish Dry Stout
Spirit Animal: Octopus
The Brew Master

Brew Master
Jimmy has been producing beer for the better part of a decade now, with everything from small brewpubs to some of the largest in the country. He has had an immense amount of experience across a good part of the midwest, and in every layer of the brewing industry. With a huge heart for quality beer and culture, he will help lead Righteous Brewing into the history books.
There isn’t a style of beer Jimmy doesn’t have experience in making, and intends to share all the expertise he knows with anyone eager to lift a pint. Be sure to give him a solid high five if you see him slaying in the brewery.
Favorite Style: Black IPA
Spirit Animal: Owl